Kanji Details
- On'yomi: ショウ(呉)
- Kun'yomi: や(く)、や(き)、や(ける)、く(べる)
- Nanori: やき
- English: bake; burning; burn
Radical: 火 ( ひ・ひへん・れっか・れんが ), fire
- JLPT Level: N3 (lower intermediate)
- Kanji Kentei Level: 7
- Kyōiku-Jōyō (4th grade of primary school)
- きのうの
火事 で200戸 が全焼 した。 - Two hundred houses were burnt down in the fire which broke out yesterday.
昨夜 火事 が起 こって、3軒 が全焼 した。- A fire broke out last night and three houses were burnt down.
昨日 の火事 で二 百 戸 が全焼 した。- Two hundred houses were burnt down in the fire which broke out yesterday.