Kanji Details
- On'yomi: ゾク(呉)、ショク(漢)
- Kun'yomi: なら(わし)、いや(しい)
- Nanori: みち、よ
- English: vulgar; customs; manners; worldliness; mundane things; popular
Radical: 人 ( ひと・にんべん・ひとやね・ひとかんむり・ひとがしら ), man, human, person
- JLPT Level: N1 (advanced)
- Kanji Kentei Level: 4
- Jōyō (1st grade of junior high school)
- これだけ
禁煙 、禁煙 といわれる以上 、喫煙 というのは公序良俗 に反 する行為 なんだろうね。 - There are so many anti-smoking campaigns these days; maybe smoking really is a threat to the public order.
彼 は俗事 をかえりみず研究 に没頭 した。- He applied himself to his study, without thought for his normal life.
- ウチは
俗 に言 うシングルマザーの家庭 だ。父親 の顔 を僕 は知 らない。 - We're what they colloquially call a single mother family. I haven't seen my father's face.