Kanji Details
- On'yomi: キ(呉)
- Kun'yomi: よ(る)、よ(せる)
- Nanori: より
- English: draw near; stop in; bring near; gather; collect; send; forward; contribute; approach
Radical: 宀 ( うかんむり ), roof
- JLPT Level: N2 (intermediate)
- Kanji Kentei Level: 6
- Kyōiku-Jōyō (5th grade of primary school)
冬 は道路 が凍 るのでお年寄 りがよく転 びます。- In the winter, many older people slip on ice and fall down.
新聞社 に何 百 ものメールが寄 せられたよ。- The newspaper company has received hundreds of e-mails.
三人 寄 れば文殊 の知恵 って言 うだろ。みんなで考 えれば、いい案 が浮 かぶかもしれないよ。- Let's all think on this together and we might be able to come up with some good ideas. They say two heads are better than one.