Japanga.com Beta 0.4 Released!

The latest release of Japanga.com brings some improvements to the quiz for our registered members.

The japanga.com kanji quiz now focusses on the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Kanji List.

You can now attempt each of these 5 levels separately. As there are a lot of kanji in each of the levels, you can attempt each level in stages depending on how much time you have available. Each attempt builds on the last and will be saved to your profile. You will be allowed up top 10 attempts, after which your attempts will be reset.

All the correct answers from each of your attempts are added up and displayed in the Quiz Results section of your profile.

You can view up to the last 10 attempts on the Previous Attempts page where you will find links to practice exercises for all the kanji you got wrong.