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Jōyō Kanji

Search the Jōyō Primary School Grade 1 List

Jōyō Primary School Grade 1

Kanji Kana (kunyomi) English
ひと、ひと(つ)、はじ(め) one; one radical (no. 1)
みぎ、たす(ける) right
あめ、あま、さめ rain
まる(い)、まる、まど、まど(か)、まろ(やか)、つぶら(か) circle; yen; round
きみ king; rule; magnate
おと、ね、たよ(り) sound; noise
した、しも、もと、さ(げる)、さ(がる)、くだ(る)、くだ(り)、くだ(す)、くだ(さる)、お(ろす)、お(りる) below; down; descend; give; low; inferior
ひ、ほ fire
はな flower
かい shellfish
まな(ぶ) study; learning; science; educational institution
いき spirit; mind; air; atmosphere; mood; gas; feeling; (kokuji)
やす(む)、やす(まる)、やす(める)、さいわ(い)、よ(い)、いこ(う)、や(める) rest; day off; retire; sleep
たま jewel; ball; gem
かね、かな、こがね gold; metal; money
ここの、ここの(つ)、あまた nine
そら、あ(く)、あ(き)、あ(ける)、から、す(く)、す(かす)、むな(しい)、あな、うろ、うつ(ろ)、うつ(ける) empty; sky; void; vacant; vacuum; air
つき month; moon
いぬ dog
み(る)、み(える)、み(せる)、まみ(える)、あらわ(れる) see; hopes; chances; idea; opinion; look at; visible
いつ、いつ(つ) five
くち mouth
かせ、あぜ、かんが(える)、くら(べる) exam; school; printing; proof; correction; collate
ひだり left
み、み(つ)、みっ(つ) three
やま mountain
よ、よ(つ)、よっ(つ)、よん four
こ、ね、み、おとこ child; sign of the rat; 11PM-1AM; first sign of Chinese zodiac; noun suffix
いと thread
あざ、あざな、はぐく(む) character; letter; word; section of village
みみ、のみ ear
なな、なな(つ)、なの seven
くるま car; vehicle; wheel
て、た hand; occupation suffix
とお、と ten
で(る)、だ(す)、い(でる)、い(だす)、い(づ)、いだ(す) exit; leave; go out; come out; put out; protrude
おんな、め、めあ(わせる)、むすめ、なんじ woman; female
ちい(さい)、こ、お、さ little; small
うえ、うわ、かみ、あ(げる)、あ(がる)、あ(がり)、のぼ(る)、のぼ(り)、のぼ(せる)、のぼ(す)、よ(す)、ほとり、たてまつ(る) above; up
もり forest; woods; thick woods
ひと person; human being
みず water
ただ(しい)、ただ(す)、まさ、まさ(に) correct; justice; righteous; 10^40; right
い(きる)、い(かす)、い(ける)、う(まれる)、うま(れる)、う(まれ)、うまれ、う(む)、お(う)、は(える)、は(やす)、き、なま、な(る)、な(す)、む(す)、う、いのち、うぶ life; genuine; birth; be born; student
あお、あお(い) blue; green
いし stone
あか、あか(い)、あか(らむ)、あか(らめる) red
さき、ま(ず) before; ahead; previous; future; precedence
かわ stream; river; river or 3-stroke river radical (no. 47)
はや(い)、はや、はや(まる)、はや(める)、さ、はよう early; fast; quick
くさ grass; weeds; herbs; pasture; write; draft
あし、た(りる)、た(る)、た(す) leg; foot; be sufficient; counter for pairs of footwear; suffice
むら village; town
おお、おお(きい)、おお(いに) large; big; university
おとこ、お、おのこ male; man
たけ bamboo
なか、うち、あた(る)、あ(たる)、あ(てる) in; inside; middle; mean; center
むし insect; bug; temper
まち、あぜみち town; village; block; street
あまつ、あめ、あま、そら heavens; sky; imperial; heaven
た、か(る)、か(り) rice field; rice paddy
つち soil; earth; ground; Turkey
ふた、ふた(つ)、ふたた(び) two; two radical (no. 2)
ひ、か day; sun; Japan; counter for days
い(る)、い(れる)、はい(る)、しお enter; insert; put in
とし、とせ year; counter for years
しろ、しろ(い)、しら(む)、しら(ける)、しら、せりふ、あき(らか)、もう(す) white
や、や(つ)、やっ(つ)、よう eight; eight radical (no. 12)
もも hundred
ふみ、あや、かざ(る) sentence; literature; style; art; decoration; figures; plan; literary radical (no. 67); letter; writing
もと book; present; main; origin; true; real; counter for long cylindrical things; basis; this
name; noted; distinguished; reputation
き、こ tree; wood
め、ま、まなこ、かなめ、な eye; class; look; insight; experience; care; favor; item
ゆう、ゆう(べ) evening
た(つ)、た(ち)、た(てる)、た(て)、たて stand up; rise; set up; erect; stand; establish
ちから、りき(む)、つと(める) power; strong; strength; strain; bear up; exert
はやし、おお(い) grove; forest; woods
む、む(つ)、むっ(つ)、むい six

The jōyō kanji (常用漢字?, literally "regular-use Chinese characters") the guide to kanji characters and their readings, announced officially by the Japanese Ministry of Education. Current jōyō kanji are those on a list of 2,136 characters issued in 2010. It is a slightly modified version of the tōyō kanji, which was the initial list of secondary school-level kanji standardized after World War II. The list is not a comprehensive list of all characters and readings in regular use; rather, it is intended as a literacy baseline for those who have completed compulsory education, as well as a list of permitted characters and readings for use in official government documents. Due to the requirement that official government documents make use of only jōyō kanji and their readings, several rare characters are also included by dint of being a part of the Constitution of Japan, which was being written at the same time the original 1850-character tōyō kanji list was compiled.

The 2,136 kanji in the jōyō kanji consist of:

  • 1,006 kanji taught in primary school (the kyōiku kanji)
  • 1,130 additional kanji taught in secondary school