Kanji Details
- On'yomi: カイ(漢)、ケ(呉)
- Kun'yomi: とど(ける)、とど(く)
- Nanori: あつ、いたる、ゆき
- English: deliver; reach; arrive; report; notify; forward
Radical: 尸 ( しかばね・かばね・かばねだれ ), corpse
- JLPT Level: N2 (intermediate)
- Kanji Kentei Level: 5
- Kyōiku-Jōyō (6th grade of primary school)
彼女 から結婚 できませんという旨 の手紙 が届 いた。- I received a letter from her to the effect that she couldn't accept my marriage proposal.
彼 からの思 いがけないプレゼントが届 いたよ。少々 は一宿一飯 の恩義 でも感 じてくれたのかな。- We got an unexpected present from him. I guess he felt a little obligated after what we did for him.
私 を押 し上 げてくれれば枝 に手 が届 くと思 うけど。- I think I can reach the branch if you'll give me a boost.