Japanga.com | 倫 Kanji Details

Kanji Details

  • Strokes: 10
  • IDC:
  • Frequency: 1639


  • On'yomi: リン(呉)
  • Kun'yomi: たぐい、つい(で)、みち
  • Nanori: おさむ、しな、つぐ、つね、とし、とも、のり、ひと、ひとし、みち、もと
  • English: ethics; companion; morals

Radical: ( ひと・にんべん・ひとやね・ひとかんむり・ひとがしら ), man, human, person

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Example sentences using 倫 ( 3 found )

Did you hear that our neighbor was fooling around with a younger woman?
She penned a tell-all memoir of her affair with the president.
Ethics means the rules of conduct.