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Jōyō Junior High Grade 9

Kanji Kana (kunyomi) English
つ(ぐ) Asia; rank next; come after; -ous; sub-
じょう military officer; jailer; old man; rank; company officer
そ(れる)、そ(らす)、はぐ(れる)、はや(る)、はし(る)、うしな(う)、すぐ(れる) deviate; idleness; leisure; miss the mark; evade; elude; parry; diverge; let slip
とつ(ぐ) matrimony; marry; marriage
ひびき、おもむき rhyme; elegance; tone
うず whirlpool; eddy; vortex
うら bay; creek; inlet; gulf; beach; seacoast; seaside
まみ(える) audience; audience (with king); be granted an audience
さる、ましら monkey
くぼ(む)、へこ(む)、ぼこ、へこ(ます) concave; hollow; sunken
おきな venerable old man; old man
すく(ない)、やもめ widow; minority; few
わざわい、まが、わざわ(い) calamity; misfortune; evil; curse
かせ(ぐ)、みの(り)、う(える) earnings; work; earn money
ふところ、なつ(かしい)、なつ(かしむ)、なつ(く)、なつ(ける)、なず(ける)、いだ(く)、おも(う) pocket; feelings; heart; yearn; miss someone; become attached to; bosom; breast; long for
かた(る)、かどわか(す) kidnap; falsify
あば(く)、しら(べる) censure; criminal investigation; expose crimes
はて、みぎわ horizon; shore; outer limits
かき hedge; fence; wall
おど(かす)、いか(る)、おど(す) menacing; dignity; majesty; threaten; upbraid; intimidate
さね nucleus; core; kernel
から、がら husk; nut shell; shell
しか(る)、おど(す) hoarse; scold; shout at
くく(る)、くび(る)、くび(れる) fasten; tie up; arrest; constrict; lump together
かわ(く)、むさぼ(る) thirst; dry up; parch; run dry
ぬのこ brown; woollen kimono
くさび、とりし(まる) control; wedge; exercise jurisdiction over
か(つ)、まさ(に)、しばら(く) moreover; also; furthermore; as well
た(える)、たま(る)、こ(らえる)、こた(える)、こら(える) withstand; endure; support; resist
くつろ(ぐ)、ひろ(い)、ゆる(やか) tolerant; leniency; generosity; relax; feel at home; be at ease; broadminded; lenient
わずら(う)、うれ(い)、うれ(える) afflicted; disease; suffer from; be ill; affected by disease
うら(む) remorse; regret; be sorry; strongly regret
ひつぎ coffin; casket
まこと、たた(く)、しる(す)、よろこ(ぶ) goodwill; article; section; friendship; collusion
かま、ほとぎ tin can; container; jar radical (no. 121); can
いくさぶね warship
かえ(る)、かえ(す)、また send back; return
しず(か)、なら(う)、ひま leisure; quiet
おちい(る)、おとしい(れる) collapse; fall into; cave in; fall (castle); slide into; fall in
かたく、かたくな stubborn; foolish; firmly
う(える) hungry; starve
いつわ(る)、にせ、いつわ(り) falsehood; lie; deceive; pretend; counterfeit; forgery; falsify
よろ(しい)、よろ(しく)、むべ、よ(い) best regards; good; right
まが(い)、もど(き)、まがい、もどき、はか(る)、なぞら(える)、に(る) mimic; aim (a gun) at; nominate; imitate
きわ(める)、きわ(まる)、きわ(まり)、きわ(み) hard up; destitute; suffer; perplexed; cornered; be in extremity
ただ(す)、あざな(う) twist; ask; investigate; verify; inquire into
こば(む)、ふせ(ぐ) repel; refuse; reject; decline
う(ける)、あ(たる) receive; undergo; answer (phone); take; get; catch; enjoy
うやうや(しい)、つつし(む) respect; reverent; respectful
はさ(む)、はさ(まる)、わきばさ(む)、さしはさ(む) pinch; between; sandwiched; hold between
た(める)、いつわ(る) rectify; straighten; correct; reform; cure; control; pretend; falsify
あかつき、さと(る) daybreak; dawn; in the event
こと harp; koto
きのこ、かび、たけ germ; fungus; bacteria
えり、むね collar; neck; lapel
うた(う)、うめ(く) versify; singing; recital; recite
おそれ、おもんぱか(る)、はか(る)、うれ(える)、あざむ(く)、あやま(る)、のぞ(む)、たの(しむ) expectation; consideration; uneasiness; fear; anxiety; concern; fears
すみ corner; nook
くつ shoes
よろこ(び)、よ(い)、よろこ(ぶ) jubilation; congratulate; rejoice; be happy; felicitation
くき、なかご stalk; stem
ほたる lightning-bug; firefly
すぐ(れる) greatness; excellence; outstanding person
きら(う)、きら(い)、いや、うたが(う) dislike; detest; hate
か(ける)、か(かる)、へだ(たる) suspend; hang; install; depend; consult
たてまつ(る)、ささ(げる)、まつ(る) offering; counter for drinks; present; offer
へりくだ(る)、うやうや(しくする) self-effacing; humble oneself; condescend; be modest; humble
あきらか、あらわ(れる)、あき(らか) appear; existing; manifest
つる bowstring; chord; hypotenuse; string
く(れる)、くれ give; do something for; Kingdom of Wu
まと、きみ marquis; lord; daimyo; feudal lord
creek; inlet; bay
おおみず deluge; flood; vast
みぞ、どぶ gutter; ditch; sewer; drain; 10^32; channel
がえんじ(る)、がえん(じる)、うなず(く)、うべな(う)、あ(えて) agreement; consent; comply with; assent
はかり、はか(る)、くびき equilibrium; measuring rod; scale; balance
みつ(ぐ) tribute; support; finance
あがな(う) subscription; buy; purchase
つよ(い)、かた(い) sturdy; strength; tough
う(つ) torture; beat
ひど(い)、きび(しい)、はなは(だしい)、むご(い) cruel; severe; atrocious; unjust
ねんご(ろ) sociable; kind; courteous; hospitable; cordial; earnest; familiar
あに descendants; elder brother; insect
そそ(る)、そそのか(す) tempt; seduce; instigate; promote
いつわ(る) lie; falsehood; deceive; pretend; swindle
つかさど(る) superintend; manager; rule; preside
くだ(く)、くだ(ける) smash; break; crush; familiar; popular; crush up
とき、つつし(む)、ものいみ、い(む)、いわ(う)、いつ(く) purification; Buddhist food; room; worship; avoid; alike; observe religious abstinence
つな、なわ、もと(める)、さが(す) cord; rope; search for
かけはし、たな scaffold; cleat; frame; jetty; bolt (door); plank bridge
つ(ぐ) heir; succeed
てあし limb; arms and legs
たまわ(る)、たま(う)、たも(う)、たまもの grant; gift; boon; results; deign to give
しるし emperor's seal; imperial seal
うるし lacquer; varnish; seven
さえぎ(る) intercept; interrupt; obstruct
へび snake; serpent; hard drinker
さかずき baron; peerage; court rank; rank of nobility
く(む) bar-tending; serving sake; the host; draw (water); ladle; scoop; pump; bartending; pour wine
たま pearl; gem; jewel
Confucian; Confucianism
とら(われる)、とら(える) captured; criminal; arrest; catch; prisoner
うれ(える)、うれ(い) distress; grieve; lament; be anxious; melancholy
くさ(い)、にお(う)、にお(い) stinking; ill-smelling; suspicious looking; odor; savor; fragrance; be fragrant; stink; glow; be bright; bad smell
むく(いる) repay; reward; retribution; reciprocate
みにく(い)、しこ、にく(む)、たぐい ugly; unclean; shame; bad looking
あ(てる)、み(たす)、み(つ)、み(ちる) allot; fill
しる、つゆ soup; juice; broth; sap; gravy; pus
しぶ、しぶ(い)、しぶ(る) astringent; hesitate; reluctant; have diarrhea; not going smoothly
つつ gun; arms
わか(い) uncle; youth; younger sibling of parent
しと(やか)、よ(い) graceful; gentle; pure
つつし(む) solemn; quietly; softly; purge
cram school; private school
すぐ(れる) sagacious; genius; excellence; brilliant person
なぞら(える)、ゆる(す) quasi-; semi-; associate; junior
めぐ(る)、したが(う) sequential; follow; circulate
したが(う) martyrdom; follow by resigning; die a martyr
もろもろ、おお(い)、こいねが(う) commoner; all; bastard; manifold
お、いとぐち thong; beginning; inception; end; cord; strap; outset; mental or emotional state
つい(ず)、ついで、の(べる) confer; relate; narrate; describe
つぐな(う) reparation; make up for; recompense; redeem
ます、のぼ(る) measuring box; 1.8 liter; sho
すす(める) exhort; urge; encourage
よい wee hours; evening; early night; early evening
なお、くわ(える)、とうと(ぶ)、たっと(ぶ) esteem; furthermore; still; yet; value highly
あらわ(す)、あらわ(れる)、あき(らか) patent; clear; proclaim merits
かすめ(る)、うつ(す)、す(く)、すく(う) extract; selection; summary; copy; spread thin; excerpt
わた(る)、かか(わる) ford; ferry; port; have relations with; go cross; transit; import; involve
しるし symptoms; illness; pathological condition; (kokuji)
nitrate; saltpeter; niter
かくれいわ reef; sunken rock
さいわ(い)、きざ(し)、よ(い)、つまび(らか)、さち auspicious; happiness; blessedness; good omen; good fortune
めか(す)、よそお(う) cosmetics; adorn (one's person); apply makeup
あやか(る)、に(る)、かたど(る) resemblance; model
うった(える) sue; accuse; litigate
みことのり imperial edict
あまつさえ、あま(り)、あま(る)、あま(す)、あまつさ(え) surplus; besides
つち lot; earth; soil; arable soil
きよ(める)、きよ(い) clean; purify; cleanse; exorcise; Manchu Dynasty
かも(す) brew; cause
くちびる lips
はら(む)、みごも(る) with child; pregnancy; conceive
おおおび sire; good belt; gentleman
み(る) checkup; seeing; diagnose; examine; check up; examine a patient
は、やいば、き(る) blade; sword; edge
はなは(だ)、はなは(だしい)、いた(い)、いた(く) tremendously; very; great; exceedingly; extremely
はや(い)、はげ(しい) swift; fast
す、す(い) vinegar; sour; acid; tart
ひき(いる) commander; leading troops; governor; commander in chief
ねむ(る)、ねむ(い) drowsy; sleep; die
あが(める)、たか(い)、たっと(ぶ)、とうと(ぶ)、お(わる) adore; respect; revere; worship; reverence
とぼそ、からくり、かなめ hinge; pivot; door
す(える)、す(わる) set; lay a foundation; install; equip; squat down; sit down
すぎ cedar; cryptomeria
せ、うね furrow; 30 tsubo; ridge; rib
ちか(う) vow; swear; pledge
ゆ(く)、い(く) departed; die; depart this life
そろ(う)、ひと(しい)、ひと(しく)、あたる、はやい、ものいみ、ととの(える)、おごそ(か) adjusted; alike; equal; similar variety of; uniform
わ(ける)、わ(かれる)、さ(く) chop; divide; tear; analyze
つたな(い)、まず(い) bungling; clumsy; unskillful
ぬす(む)、ひそ(か)、ひそ(かに) stealth; steal; secret; private; hushed
セント hermit; wizard; cent; immortal mountain fairy
plug; bolt; cork; bung; stopper
めぐ(る) rotation; go around; gyrate
すじ、ほそ(い)、ちい(さい)、しな(やか) slender; fine; thin kimono; fiber; (kokuji)
すす(める)、こも、しき(りに)、し(く) recommend; mat; advise; encourage; offer
うつ(る)、うつ(す)、みやこがえ transition; move; change; transfer
やや、ようや(く)、すす(む) steadily; gradually advancing; finally; barely; gradually
しずか、ゆず(る) Zen; silent meditation
でく model; molding
うと(い)、うと(む)、うと(ましい)、まば(ら)、おろそ(か)、とお(る)、とお(す)、うろ、おろ、おろ(か) alienate; rough; neglect; shun; sparse; estrange
ちんが(り)、みつぎ tariff; crop tax; borrowing; land tax
も、うしな(う)、ほろ(びる)、ほろ(ぼす) miss; mourning
さかん、さか(ん) robust; manhood; prosperity; vigorous; grand
さが(す) search; look for; locate
さ(す)、はさ(む)、さしはさ(む)、す(げる) insert; put in; graft; wear (sword)
つかさ、ともがら、へや cadet; friend; sergeant
ふね、おけ、かいばおけ vat; tub; tank
ほうき、おごそ(か)、しもやしき villa; inn; cottage; feudal manor; dignified
も、あや、かざり seaweed; duckweed; algae
しも frost
お(ちる)、くず(す)、くず(れる)、こぼ(つ) degenerate; descend to; lapse into
やす(らか)、おだ(やか) gentle; peace; depravity; come to terms
おこた(る) lazy; laziness
の(せる) burdensome; pack horse; horse load; send by horse; good for nothing
やす(い)、やす(らか)、おご(る) peaceful; calm; peace; easy; Thailand; tranquil
すす(ぐ)、ゆす(ぐ)、あら(う) laundry; wash; pour on; rinse
ただ(し)、ただ however; but; provided that
たな shelf; ledge; rack; mount; mantle; trellis
し(れる)、おろか、おろ(か)、おこ stupid; foolish
お(う) pursue; drive away; chase; accomplish; attain; commit; one by one; drive out
ふち、つい(で) regularity; salary; order
よつぎ legitimate wife; direct descent (non-bastard); legitimate child
うち、こころ、まこと inmost; heart; mind; inside; inner heart
とむら(う)、とぶら(う) condolences; mourning; funeral; condole
こ(りる)、こ(らす)、こ(らしめる) penal; chastise; punish; discipline
いど(む) challenge; contend for; make love to; provoke
なが(める) stare; watch; look at; see; scrutinize; look out over
いまし(める)、みことのり imperial order; imperial decree
われ、きざ(し) majestic plural; imperial we
つ、しる haven; port; harbor; ferry
つか hillock; mound
つ(ける)、つ(かる) pickling; soak; moisten; steep; pickle
つぼ two-mat area; ~36 sq ft; tsubo
つ(る)、つ(り) angling; fish; catch; allure; ensnare; angle
あずまや pavilion; restaurant; mansion; arbor; cottage; vaudeville; music hall; stage name; inn
うかが(う) spy
さだ、ただ(しい) upright; chastity; constancy; righteousness; chaste
しめ(す) display; offer; present; send; exhibit
にわ courts; imperial court; government office; court
こぶね rowboat; small boat; boat
かわ(る)、たがいに、たが(いに)、か(わる) relay; in turn; sending; parcel post
やしき residence; mansion; stately residence
どろ、なず(む) mud; mire; adhere to; be attached to
たが(いに)、か(わる) transfer; alternation; alternate
いた(む) lament; grieve over; mourn
の(る)、の(せる) board; load (a vehicle); ride
むね、むな、かしら ridgepole; ridge; block
つつ cylinder; pipe; tube; gun barrel; sleeve
うつ(す) mimeograph; copy; facsimile; transcribe
あが(る)、のぼ(る)、あ(がる) inflation; advancing; going; rise
ほら、うつろ、つらぬ(く)、ふか(い)、うろ den; cave; excavation
かしら、み(る)、ただ(す)、うなが(す)、ひき(いる) coach; command; urge; lead; supervise; commander
でこ convex; beetle brow; uneven
たむろ、なや(む) barracks; police station; camp; station troops
やわ(らか)、やわ(らかい) soft
あま nun; Buddhist nun
はら(む)、みごも(る) pregnancy; become pregnant
しの(ぶ)、しの(ばせる)、むご(い) endure; bear; put up with; conceal; secrete; spy; sneak
むし(ろ)、なん(ぞ)、やす(い)、ねんご(ろ)、いずく(んぞ) rather; preferably; courteous; peaceful; quiet; tranquility
ねこ cat
と(る)、にぎ(る) grasp; faggot; bunch; counter for bundles; grip
はたがしら hegemony; supremacy; leadership; champion
すた(れる)、すた(る)、や(める) abolish; obsolete; cessation; discarding; abandon; waste
つちか(う)、おか cultivate; foster
なこうど、なかだち mediator; go-between; intermediate
つぐな(う) compensation; indemnify; compensate
おさ、かしら、はたがしら chief; count; earl; uncle; Brazil; older sibling of parent
おおぶね liner; ship; oceangoing ship
すなはら、ひろ(い) vague; obscure; desert; wide
はだ、はだえ texture; skin; body; grain
bowl; rice tub; pot; crown
いえがら、いさお clique; lineage; pedigree; faction; clan
わずら(う)、わずら(わす)、うるさ(い) anxiety; trouble; worry; pain; ill; annoy; nuisance; irksome; vexed
わか(つ)、まだら、わ(ける)、し(く) distribute; disseminate; partition; understand; distribute widely
きさき queen; princess
とびら front door; title page; front page; hinged door
ひら(く) expose; open; open out
まか(り)、や(める)、まか(る)、つか(れる) quit; stop; leave; withdraw; go; dismiss
まろうど、したが(う) V.I.P.; guest
しき(りに)、しき(る) repeatedly; recur; frequently
かめ flower pot; bottle; vial; jar; jug; vat; urn
たす(ける) aid; help; assist; lend support to
しる(す)、つづ(く) musical score; music; note; staff; table; genealogy; systematic record
つ(ける)、つ(く) affixed; attach; refer to; append
あなど(る)、あなず(る) scorn; despise; make light of; contempt; insult
わ(く)、わ(かす)、た(てる)、にえ seethe; boil; ferment; uproar; breed
いきどお(る)、むずか(る) aroused; resent; be indignant; anger; indignation
きり atmosphere; fog
ひのえ third class; 3rd; 3rd calendar sign; third
あわ(せる)、なら(ぶ)、しか(し) join; get together; unite; collective; together
fence; wall; (kokuji)
ぬさ、みてぐら、ぜに cash; bad habit; humble prefix; gift; Shinto offerings of cloth; rope; cut paper; currency
やぶ(れる)、つか(れる)、つい(える) abuse; evil; vice; breakage; evil practice
かたよ(る)、ひとえ(に) partial; side; left-side radical; inclining; biased; one-sided
あまね(く) everywhere; times; widely; generally; all over
ふち stipend; salary
あわ、あぶく bubbles; foam; suds; froth
ほ(める) praise; extol; commend
わ(ける)、さ(く) divide; dissect
つむ(ぐ) spinning; spin
しもべ、やつがれ me; I (male); I; manservant
う(つ)、なぐ(る)、は(る) slap; strike; hit; beat; tell; speak; deal a blow
ほう、ほお、えのき、すなお、むち、むちう(つ) crude; simple; plain; docile
ほり、あな ditch; moat; canal; ditch (moat)
はし(る)、に(げる) run; bustle; rush
ま(する)、さ(する)、す(る)、さす(る)、こす(る) chafe; rub; polish; grind; scrape; rub against
みが(く)、す(る)、と(ぐ) grind; polish; scour; improve; brush (teeth)
あさ、しび(れる) hemp; flax; become numb
こな、す(る)、け(す) rub; paint; erase; wipe
まゆ、きぬ cocoon
みさき headland; cape; spit; promontory
しる(す) inscription; signature (of artisan)
みだ(りに) delusion; unnecessarily; without authority; reckless; rash
めくら、くら(い) blind; blind man; ignoramus
へ(る)、たよ(り) decrease; wear away
もど(す)、もど(る)、もと(る)、いた(る) re-; return; revert; resume; restore; go backwards
わざわ(い)、くる(しむ) unlucky; misfortune; bad luck; disaster
やなぎ willow
たの(しい)、たの(しむ) pleasure; happy; rejoice; pleased
い(える)、い(やす) healing; cure; quench (thirst); wreak; heal
さと(す) rebuke; admonish; charge; warn; persuade
ただ solely; only; merely; simply
とお(い)、はる(か) permanence; distant; long time; leisure; remote; leisurely
なお furthermore; still; yet; waver; delay
ゆた(か)、ひろ(い) abundant; rich; fertile
と(ける)、と(かす)、とお(る) dissolve; melt; fuse
なん(ぞ)、もち(いる)、つね、おろ(か) commonplace; ordinary; employment; comfortable; mediocre
かま kiln; oven; furnace
うすもの、あみ、うすぎぬ、つら(なる) gauze; thin silk; Rome
ちちしる dairy products; whey; broth; fruit juice
は(く)、くつ、ふ(む) footgear; shoes; boots; put on (the feet); fulfill
はらくだし diarrhea
sulphur; sulfur
たつ、いせ dragon; imperial
とも、つかさ colleague; official; companion
つかさ dormitory; hostel; villa; tea pavillion
すず(しい)、すず(む)、すず(やか)、うす(い)、ひや(す)、まことに refreshing; nice and cool; cool
たぐい、つい(で)、みち ethics; companion; morals
とりで、かさ(ねる) bases; fort; rampart; walls; base(ball); base; small fort
かさ(なる)、かさ(ねる)、しば(る)、しき(りに)、わずら(わす) accumulate; involvement; trouble; tie up; continually; cumulate
すず small bell; buzzer; bell
まかな(う)、まいな(う) bribe; board; supply; finance
わく frame; framework; spindle; spool; bounding-box; (kokuji)

The jōyō kanji (常用漢字?, literally "regular-use Chinese characters") the guide to kanji characters and their readings, announced officially by the Japanese Ministry of Education. Current jōyō kanji are those on a list of 2,136 characters issued in 2010. It is a slightly modified version of the tōyō kanji, which was the initial list of secondary school-level kanji standardized after World War II. The list is not a comprehensive list of all characters and readings in regular use; rather, it is intended as a literacy baseline for those who have completed compulsory education, as well as a list of permitted characters and readings for use in official government documents. Due to the requirement that official government documents make use of only jōyō kanji and their readings, several rare characters are also included by dint of being a part of the Constitution of Japan, which was being written at the same time the original 1850-character tōyō kanji list was compiled.

The 2,136 kanji in the jōyō kanji consist of:

  • 1,006 kanji taught in primary school (the kyōiku kanji)
  • 1,130 additional kanji taught in secondary school