Kanji Details
- On'yomi: ク(呉)、コ(漢)
- Kun'yomi: くる(しい)、くる(しむ)、くる(しめる)、にが(い)、にが(る)、にがな、はなは(だ)
- Nanori:
- English: suffering; trial; worry; hardship; feel bitter; scowl; bitter; suffer
Radical: 艸 ( くさ・くさかんむり ), grass
- JLPT Level: N3 (lower intermediate)
- Kanji Kentei Level: 8
- Kyōiku-Jōyō (3rd grade of primary school)
多 くの国々 が失業 問題 に苦 しんでいる。すなわちそこには将来 が保障 されず、人生 という汽車 に乗 り遅 れてしまう多 くの若者 達 がいる。- There are many countries that are suffering unemployment. In other words, there are many young people that are not guaranteed a future and are late for the train called life.
週末 に胆石 が動 いて、七転八倒 の苦 しみを味 わったよ。- I spent the weekend writhing in agony when my gallstone started to move.
彼 の今回 の判断 、理解 に苦 しむね。焼 きが回 ったということかね。- I have a hard time seeing the logic of this latest decision of his. He just isn't as sharp as he used to be.