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Jōyō Junior High Grade 8

Kanji Kana (kunyomi) English
あわ(れ)、あわ(れむ)、かな(しい)、かな(しむ) pathetic; grief; sorrow; pathos; pity; sympathize
なぐさ(める)、なぐさ(む) consolation; amusement; seduce; cheer; make sport of; comfort; console
よ(む)、うた(う)、なが(める) recitation; poem; song; composing; recite poetry
よろこ(ぶ)、よろこ(ばす) ecstasy; joy; rapture; delighted
けみ(する)、へ(る) review; inspection; revision
うたげ、たの(しむ) banquet; feast; party
ほのお、も(える) inflammation; flame; blaze
うた(う)、は(く) Europe
なぐ(る)、う(つ)、たた(く) assault; hit; beat; thrash
おと、きのと the latter; duplicate; strange; witty; fishhook radical (no. 5); fishguts; second
おろ(す)、おろし、おろ(し) wholesale
おだ(やか)、やす(らか) calm; quiet; moderation; mild
よ(い) excellent; beautiful; good; pleasing; skilled; fine
よめ、とつ(ぐ)、い(く)、ゆ(く) marry into; bride; wed a man
か(ける)、か(かる)、たな erect; frame; mount; support; shelf; construct; lay across; rack
はな、しろ(い) splendor; flower; petal; shine; luster; ostentatious; showy; gay; gorgeous; magnificent; China
う(える) starve; hungry; thirst
かたまり、つちくれ clod; lump; chink; clot; mass
あや(しい)、あや(しむ) suspicious; mystery; apparition; mysterious
く(いる)、く(やむ)、くや(しい) repent; regret
なげ(く)、いきどお(る) rue; be sad; sigh; lament; deplore
おうむ(ね)、おおむ(ね) outline; condition; approximation; generally; general
そな(わる)、そ(の)、か(ねる) above-stated; the said; that specific; correspond to
とりい(れる)、か(る) harvest; reap
くるわ enclosure; quarters; fortification; red-light district; outer enclosure
へだ(てる)、へだ(たる)、はな(れる) isolate; alternate; distance; separate; gulf; apart
たけ point; peak; mountain; high mountain
か(ける)、か(け)、か(かる)、か(かり)、かかり hang; suspend; depend; arrive at; tax; pour; set
すべ(る)、なめ(らか)、ぬめ(る) slippery; slide; slip; flunk; smooth
かんむり、かむ(る) crown; best; peerless
かんが(える) intuition; perception; check; intuitive perception
わめ(く)、さけ(ぶ)、よ(ぶ) yell; cry; scream; call; summon
か(える)、か(わる) interchange; period; change; convert; replace; renew; exchange
あ(えて)、あ(えない)、あ(えず) daring; sad; tragic; pitiful; frail; feeble; boldly
ゆる(い)、ゆる(やか)、ゆる(む)、ゆる(める)、ぬる(い) slacken; loosen; relax; lessen; be moderate; ease; slack
きも liver; pluck; nerve; chutzpah
つらぬ(く)、ぬ(く)、ぬき、ひ(く) pierce; 8 1/3lbs; penetrate; brace
い(む)、い(み)、い(まわしい) mourning; abhor; detestable; death anniversary
すで(に) previously; already; long ago
chess piece; Japanese chess; shogi
す(てる) abandon; throw away; discard; resign; reject; sacrifice
わだち rut; wheel; track; model; way of doing
の(る) equestrian; riding on horses; counter for equestrians; ride on horseback
あざむ(く) deceit; cheat; delude; deceive
いけにえ sacrifice
よし、よ(い) good luck; joy; congratulations; lucky
の(む)、く(う)、す(う) consume; eat; drink; smoke; receive (a blow); ingest
しいた(げる)、むご(い) tyrannize; oppress; cruel
むな(しい)、うつ(ろ)、うろ、うつ(ける) void; emptiness; unpreparedness; crack; fissure; untruth; false
はざま gorge; ravine
おびや(かす)、おど(す)、おど(かす)、おび(える) threaten; coerce
こ(る)、こ(らす)、こご(らす)、こご(らせる)、こご(る)、しこ(り)、しこ(る) congeal; freeze; stiff; be absorbed in
おの axe; 1.32 lb; catty; counter for loaves of bread; axe radical (no. 69)
し(める)、し(まる)、かた(い)、ちぢ(む)、きび(しい) tense; solid; hard; reliable; tight; tighten; exigent
おろ(か)、おろ(かしい) foolish; folly; absurdity; stupid
たま、たまたま、ひとがた、たぐい accidentally; even number; couple; man and wife; same kind; by chance
あ(う)、たまたま、もてな(す) interview; treat; entertain; receive; deal with; encounter
くわ mulberry
しおき punish; penalty; sentence; punishment
ひら(く)、さと(す)、もう(す) disclose; open; say; enlighten
ちぎ(る)、わりふ、きざ(む) pledge; promise; vow; make an agreement
いこ(い)、いこ(う) recess; rest; relax; repose; take a rest
かか(げる) put up (a notice); put up; hoist; display; hang out; publish; describe
たずさ(える)、たずさ(わる)、はな(れる) portable; carry (in hand); armed with; bring along; carry in the hand
くじら whale
つま(しい)、つづまやか、つづま(やか) frugal; economy; thrifty; (kokuji)
かしこ(い)、さか(しい)、まさ(る) intelligent; wise; wisdom; cleverness
まぼろし、まど(わす) phantasm; vision; dream; illusion; apparition; phantom
みなしご、ひと(り)、そむ(く) orphan; alone; solitary
きゆみ arc; arch; bow
やと(う) employ; hire
かえり(みる) look back; review; examine oneself; turn around
たの(しむ) recreation; pleasure; enjoyment
さと(る) enlightenment; perceive; discern; realize; understand; awake to
あな pit; hole
あな、はなは(だ) cavity; hole; slit; very; great; exceedingly; open hole
たく(み)、たく(む)、うま(い) adroit; skilled; ingenuity; skillful
あわ(てる)、あわ(ただしい) disconcerted; be confused; lose one's head; flurried
かか(わる)、とど(める)、とら(える)、こだわ(る) arrest; seize; concerned; adhere to; despite
ひか(える)、ひか(え)、つ(げる)、のぞ(く) withdraw; draw in; hold back; refrain from; be moderate
きのえ、かぶと、よろい、つめ armor; high (voice); A grade; first class; former; instep; carapace; shell; first
かた(い) stiff; hard
しぼ(る)、し(める)、し(まる)、くび(る) strangle; constrict; wring
つな hawser; class (genus); rope; cord; cable; essential points
まつ(る) outskirts; suburbs; rural area; suburb
もと、こうじ fermentation; ferment
か(つ)、よ(く) overcome; kindly; skillfully
うった(える)、ひとや prison; jail
ひら(く) ground-breaking; open up farmland; reclaim
うら(む)、うら(めしい) regret; bear a grudge; resentment; malice; hatred; hold a grudge; rancor
dark blue; navy; navy blue
たましい、たま soul; spirit
か(り)、か(し) bond; loan; debt
もよう(す)、もよお(す)、もよ(い)、うなが(す) sponsor; hold (a meeting); give (a dinner); hold an event; press for
けず(る)、はつ(る)、そ(ぐ) plane; sharpen; whittle; pare; cut by chipping
しぼ(る) squeeze; (kokuji)
ま(じる)、あやま(る)、お(く) confused; mix; be in disorder; mixed up
と(る)、つま(む) snapshot; take pictures; photograph
す(る)、す(れる)、こす(る)、こす(れる)、さす(る)、なす(る)、かす(れる) grate; rub; scratch; scrape; chafe; scour
しばら(く)、しば(し) temporarily; a while; moment; long time; short while
ほどこ(す)、し(く) alms; apply bandages; administer first-aid; carry out
さいわ(い) welfare; happiness; blessedness
はか(る)、と(う) consult with; consult
さむらい、はべ(る)、さぶら(う) waiter; samurai; wait upon; serve; attend upon
いつく(しむ) mercy; affectionate
しんぎ、かなめ axis; pivot; stem; stalk; counter for book scrolls; axle
湿 しめ(る)、しめ(す)、うるお(う)、うるお(す)、うるお(い) damp; wet; moist
はや(い)、と(し)、やまい、や(む)、にく(む)、と(く)、やま(しい) rapidly; disease
ゆる(す) pardon; forgiveness; amnesty
よこしま wicked; injustice; wrong; evil
こと particularly; especially; exceptionally; special
寿 ことぶき、ことぶ(く)、ことほ(ぐ)、とし、ひさ(しい) longevity; congratulations; one's natural life
うるお(う)、うるお(す)、うる(む)、ほと(びる) wet; be watered; profit by; receive benefits; favor; charm; steep; moist
したが(う) abide by; follow; obey; learn
おもむろ gradually; slowly; deliberately; gently
たくみ artisan; workman; carpenter; craftsman
てのひら、たなごころ、つかさど(る)、にな(う) manipulate; rule; administer; conduct; palm of hand; palm; take charge of
のぼ(る) rise up; ascend
あき(らか) sparkle; clear; crystal
こ(げる)、こ(がす)、こ(がれる)、あせ(る)、じ(らす)、じ(れる)、や(く) char; hurry; impatient; irritate; burn; scorch; singe; be impatient
つ(く) collide; brunt; highway; opposition (astronomy); thrust; pierce; stab; prick
かね bell; gong; chimes
むだ superfluous; uselessness; redundant
むすめ lass; girl; Miss; daughter; young lady
ゆず(る)、せ(める) defer; turnover; transfer; convey; cede
lock; fetters; shackles; pill
しょく(する)、たの(む) entrust; request; send a message; charge with
はずかし(める)、はずかし(め)、はじ、かたじけな(い) embarrass; humiliate; shame
の(びる)、の(ばす)、の(べる)、の(す)、の(る) expand; stretch; extend; lengthen; increase; to lengthen
つまび(らか)、つぶさ(に) hearing; judge; trial; examine carefully; try
から(い)、つら(い)、かのと spicy; bitter; hot; acrid; pungent; hard
た(く)、かし(ぐ) cook; boil
いき chic; style; purity; essence; pith; cream; elite; choice; refined
おとろ(える) decline; wane; weaken
と(げる)、つい(に)、おお(せる) consummate; accomplish; attain; commit (suicide)
よ(う)、よ(い)、よ drunk; feel sick; poisoned; elated; spellbound; become intoxicated
まにま(に)、したが(う) follow; though; notwithstanding; while; during; both; all; obey; submit to; comply; at the mercy of (the waves)
marrow; pith
rapids; current; torrent; shallows; shoal
いけにえ animal sacrifice; offering; sacrifice
こ(う)、う(ける) solicit; invite; ask; request
ひと(つ) vessels; counter for ships; fish; birds; arrows; one of a pair
お(しい)、お(しむ) pity; be sparing of; frugal; stingy; regret
しりぞ(ける)、うかが(う) reject; retreat; recede; withdraw; repel; repulse; expel
ふみ、し(く)、ふ(む) enroll; domiciliary register; membership; register
おさ(める)、かね(る)、と(る)、か(ねる)、か(わる) vicarious; surrogate; act in addition to; take in; act as regent
ひそ(む)、もぐ(る)、かく(れる)、くぐ(る)、ひそ(める) submerge; conceal; hide; lower (voice); hush; lurk
つくろ(う) darning; repair; mend; trim; tidy up; adjust
お(く)、はか(らう) set aside; give up; suspend; discontinue; lay aside; except; dispose
いしずえ cornerstone; foundation stone
あら(い)、あら、ほぼ coarse; rough; rugged
はば(む)、けわ(しい)、へだ(たる) thwart; separate from; prevent; obstruct; deter; impede
ふた、たぐい、ならぶ、ふたつ、なら(ぶ)、ふた(つ)、もろ pair; set; comparison; counter for pairs; set of two
は(く)、はら(う) sweep; brush
ほうむ(る) interment; bury; shelve; funeral
あ(う)、あ(わせる) encounter; meet; party; association; interview; join; meet with
にく(む)、にく(い)、にく(らしい)、にく(しみ) hate; detest
うなが(す)、せま(る) stimulate; urge; press; demand; incite; hasten
わるもの、そこ(なう) burglar; rebel; traitor; robber; bandit
おこた(る)、なま(ける)、だる(い) neglect; laziness; remiss
とどこお(る) stagnate; be delayed; overdue; arrears; stay
はら(む) womb; uterus; fetus
ふくろ sack; bag; pouch
およ(ぶ)、とら(える) apprehend; chase; catch a criminal
たき waterfall; rapids; cascade
つくえ、すぐ(れる) eminent; table; desk; high; prominent
えら(ぶ)、よ(る) choose; select; elect; prefer
かこつ(ける)、かこ(つ)、かこ(つける)、ことづ(かる) consign; requesting; entrusting with; pretend; hint; entrust
うべな(う) consent; assent; agreement
うば(う) rob; take by force; snatch away; dispossess; plunder; usurp
きも gall bladder; courage; pluck; nerve; gallbladder
きた(える) forge; discipline; train
podium; stage; rostrum; terrace; platform
いとけない、おさない、おくて、おでる、わか(い)、いとけな(い) immature; young; childish
か(う)、やしな(う)、たくわ(える) livestock; domestic fowl and animals
ふさ(がる) plug up; obstruct; choke; nitrogen
ひき、ひ(く)、ぬ(く) pluck; pull; extract; excel; draw out
い(る) casting; mint; cast
とど(まる) stop-over; reside in; resident; parking; stationed
ほ(る) carve; engrave; chisel
き(く)、ゆる(す) listen; headstrong; naughty; careful inquiry
こ(える)、こ(す) transcend; super-; ultra-; surpass
しず(める)、しず(まる)、おさえ、おさ(え) tranquilize; ancient peace-preservation centers; quell
ひ(ねる)、の(べる)、つら(ねる)、ふる(い) exhibit; state; relate; explain; line up; set forth
お(ちる)、お(つ) crash; fall (down); drop down
みかど sovereign; the emperor; god; creator; emperor
し(まる)、し(まり)、し(める)、むす(ぶ) tighten; tie; shut; lock; fasten; conclude
ただ(す)、さだ(める) revise; correct; decide
さとい、あき(らか)、し(る)、さば(く)、さと(い) philosophy; clear; sagacious
ぬ(る)、ぬ(り)、まみ(れる)、まぶ(す)、どろ、みち paint; plaster; daub; smear; coating; apply on a surface
ます、ひしゃく Big Dipper; 10 sho (vol); sake dipper; dots and cross radical (no. 68); dipper; to
こお(る)、こご(える)、こご(る)、い(てる)、し(みる) frozen; congeal; refrigerate; freeze
もがさ pox; smallpox
すえ pottery; porcelain
かくま(う)、かく(れる) hide; shelter; shield; conceal
あつ(い) fervent; kind; cordial; serious; deliberate; devoted
ぶた pork; pig
ごと(し)、し(く)、ゆ(く)、も(し) likeness; like; such as; as if; better; best; equal; as
尿 しと、ゆばり、いばり urine
ねば(る) sticky; glutinous; greasy; persevere
ばば、ばあ old woman; grandma; wet nurse
おしの(ける)、つら(ねる) repudiate; exclude; expel; reject; discharge
したが(う) obeisance; follow; accompany; attend on; auxiliary; accompany a superior
しば(る)、いまし(める) truss; arrest; bind; tie; restrain
き(る)、そむ(く)、う(つ)、ほこ(る) fell; strike; attack; punish; cut down
ともな(う)、とも consort; accompany; bring with; companion
あぜ、くろ、ほとり、そむ(く) paddy ridge; levee; paddy-ridge; waterside
まがき clan; enclosure; feudal domain
えびす barbarian
いや(しい)、いや(しむ)、いや(しめる)、ひく(い) lowly; base; vile; vulgar; mean
にじ(む) ooze; flow; soak in; penetrate; secrete
いしぶみ tombstone; monument
ひめ princess; daughter of noble birth
ただよ(う)、さら(す) drift; float (on liquid)
なえ、なわ、か(り) seedling; sapling; shoot
わりふ token; sign; mark; tally; charm; symbol
おもむ(く)、つ(げる) proceed; get; become; tend; proceed to
ポンド、さかい、と(じる) seal; closing; pound (weight)
ふ(せる)、ふ(す)、かく(れる)、したが(う) prostrated; bend down; bow; cover; lay (pipes)
おお(う)、くつがえ(す)、くつがえ(る) capsize; cover; shade; mantle; be ruined; overturn
はか tomb; mound; tumulus
まぎ(れる)、まぎ(らす)、まぎ(らわす)、まぎ(らわしい)、まが(う)、まぐ(れ)、みだ(れる) distract; be mistaken for; go astray; divert; confused
くせ、くせ(に) mannerism; habit; vice; trait; fault; kink
ear; ear (grain); head; crest (wave); ear (of a plant); spike
つの(る) recruit; campaign; gather (contributions); enlist; grow violent; raise
した(う)、した(わしい)、しの(ぶ) pining; yearn for; love dearly; adore
簿 たけふだ、とじもの register; record book
なら(う) emulate; imitate; copy after
たてまつ(る)、まつ(る)、ほう(ずる)、うけたまわ(る) observance; offer; present; dedicate
くず(れる)、くず(れ)、くず(す) crumble; die; demolish; level
ぬ(う) sew; stitch; embroider
はら placenta; sac; sheath; membranous sac
かんば(しい)、かお(り)、かぐわ(しい) perfume; balmy; favorable; fragrant
くに home country; country; Japan; state
あ(きる)、あ(かす)、あ(く) sated; tired of; bored; satiate; satiated
とぼ(しい)、とも(しい) destitution; scarce; limited; scanty
さまた(げる) disturb; prevent; hamper; obstruct; hinder
ふさ、へや、いえ tassel; tuft; fringe; bunch; lock (hair); segment (orange); house; room; chamber
それがし、なにがし so-and-so; one; a certain; that person
ふく(らむ)、ふく(れる)、ふく(よか) swell; get fat; thick; expand
はか(る)、たばか(る)、はかりごと conspire; cheat; impose on; plan; devise; scheme; have in mind; deceive
すみ、むさぼ(る) black ink; India ink; ink stick; Mexico
おぼ(れる)、しず(む)、ない、もぐ(る)、し(ぬ)、な(い) drown; sink; hide; fall into; disappear; die
ひるがえ(る)、ひるがえ(す) flip; turn over; wave; flutter; change (mind); render
witch; demon; evil spirit
う(める)、う(まる)、う(もれる)、うず(める)、うず(まる)、い(ける)、うず(もれる) bury; be filled up; embedded
また、また(の)、ふたた(び) or again; furthermore; on the other hand; again
もののけ、すだま fascination; charm; bewitch
婿 むこ bridegroom; son-in-law
ほろ(びる)、ほろ(ぶ)、ほろ(ぼす) destroy; ruin; overthrow; perish
まぬか(れる)、まぬが(れる)、ゆる(す)、や(める)、う(む) excuse; dismissal; exempt
ふか(い)、かす(か)、くら(い)、しろ(い) seclude; confine to a room; deep; profound; secluded; faint; dark; tranquil; calm; quiet and secluded
うれ(える)、うれ(い)、う(い)、う(き) melancholy; grieve; lament; be anxious; sad; unhappy
さそ(う)、いざな(う)、おび(く) entice; lead; tempt; invite; ask; call for; seduce; allure; induce
あ(げる)、あ(がる) hoist; fry in deep fat; raise high; raise; exalt; elevate; praise
ゆ(れる)、ゆ(る)、ゆ(らぐ)、ゆ(るぐ)、ゆ(する)、ゆ(さぶる)、ゆ(すぶる)、うご(く) swing; shake; sway; rock; tremble; vibrate
いだ(く)、だ(く)、まも(る) hug; embrace; possess; protect; lead; support
おさ(える)、そもそも、ふさ(ぐ) repress; well; now; in the first place; push; shove; press; seal; do in spite of; suppress
はだか naked; nude; uncovered; partially clothed
みだ(りに)、みだ(りがましい)、みだ(れる)、う(かべる) excessive; overflow; spread out
つかさ officer; an official; official
たか(い)、さか(ん) hump; high; noble; prosperity; prosper
しま(う)、お(わる)、さと(る) complete; finish; comprehend
かり、か(る)、か(り) game-hunting; shooting; game; bag; hunting
かて provisions; food; bread; food provisions
みささぎ、しの(ぐ)、おか mausoleum; imperial tomb; imperial mausoleum
rin; 1/10sen; 1/10bu; thousandth
はげ(む)、はげ(ます) encourage; be diligent; inspire
ゼロ、こぼ(す)、こぼ(れる)、お(ちる)、ふ(る)、あま(り)、ちい(さい) zero; spill; overflow; nothing; cipher
たま、たましい、よ(い) spirits; soul
さ(く)、さ(ける)、きれ split; rend; tear
かど、しら(べる)、いさぎよ(い)、やす(い) bargain; reason; charge; suspicion; point; account; purity; honest; low price; cheap; rested; contented; peaceful; incorrupt
ね(る) tempering; refine; drill; train; polish
いろり、ひばち hearth; furnace; kiln; reactor
わたどの corridor; hall; tower
たかどの、やぐら watchtower; lookout; high building; tall building
なみ、みだ(りに) wandering; waves; billows; billow; wander
も(る)、も(れる)、も(らす) leak; escape; time
いりえ gulf; bay; inlet

The jōyō kanji (常用漢字?, literally "regular-use Chinese characters") the guide to kanji characters and their readings, announced officially by the Japanese Ministry of Education. Current jōyō kanji are those on a list of 2,136 characters issued in 2010. It is a slightly modified version of the tōyō kanji, which was the initial list of secondary school-level kanji standardized after World War II. The list is not a comprehensive list of all characters and readings in regular use; rather, it is intended as a literacy baseline for those who have completed compulsory education, as well as a list of permitted characters and readings for use in official government documents. Due to the requirement that official government documents make use of only jōyō kanji and their readings, several rare characters are also included by dint of being a part of the Constitution of Japan, which was being written at the same time the original 1850-character tōyō kanji list was compiled.

The 2,136 kanji in the jōyō kanji consist of:

  • 1,006 kanji taught in primary school (the kyōiku kanji)
  • 1,130 additional kanji taught in secondary school